Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not back on the map

Wait a minute, I just realized that my map doesn't even have Antarctica on it. I think that's bullshit. I figure scientists down there need to get on the internet and check blogs like mine. I wonder if that's what they talk about while their taking ice cores on the west Antarctic ice sheet.

Scientist 1 "You know, that Rock Death guy sounds pretty crazy"
Scientist 2 "Yeah I know, I wish he would play for us here"
Head Scientist "Hey guys, I know you want to talk about dude rock death all day, but we have ice samples to check"
Scientist 1 "I guess you're right, man I can't believe he peed on his floor"
All "YEAH!"

Or maybe something like this?

Alien 1 "blark blark bleek bloong blark dude rock death blark bleenk blink"
Predator 1 "gleek glork Rock Death gleek gleek glunk"

1 comment:

Noga said...

yeah, more like

eskimo 1: did you hear about the blog by the american white man called 'dude-rock-death'?

eskimo 2: yeah i heard it blows chunks!

eskimo 1: whale chunks?!

eskimo 2: sometimes!

elephant seal: w3rd on that, i didn't even get past the first paragraph! and i can't even read!