Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lies, Lies, Lies

(in no particular order)

1. I've written three novels about different types of fruit

2. I've been to Montana

3. I've never thought about drinking my own urine

4. I hate burritos

5. I brush my teeth every night

6. I used to be a famous explorer named Vasco De Gama

7. My beard is fake

8. I owe money to the mob

9. I bet on baseball

10. I throw a baseball like a man

11. I love my job, and think it's a great step in the right direction

12. I beat Super Mario Bros

13. I auditioned for American Idol

14. This blog is great

15. The movie SLAM was about me

16. I'm going on fat free tomorrow

17. I harpooned a whale, and he pulled me for seventeen nautical miles

18. I always wear white after labor day


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

another lie: I am a good cubicle partner.

Unknown said...

another lie: My name is not Judas and I never let Kyle down

Puke Monster said...

#10 is definitely a lie. You "push" baseballs.

Unknown said...

That story about the whale was a LIE?